Our Story

Viwe and Mapaseka the founders
We (Viwe and Mapaseka) are two development economists from the Eastern Cape and North West, respectively. We both started the 4c hair journey in our varsity days, and were brought together by the same desire to untangle the mixed feelings we so often have about our hair. Yes, our crowns are beautiful in all their kinks and coils. They also require a lot of maintenance - detangling, braiding before bed, clarifying and detoxing, sealing in moiture and and and... With our increasingly busy lives it's hard to keep up with our hair needs and we often neglect to take care of our hair the correct way. So we decided to simplify that whole process.
LULA is isiXhosa for “easy”, which is exactly the experience we wish to create for you caring for your crown. We wish to make the journey of taking care of those glorious roots on your head EASY, simple and most importantly enjoyable. Whether you’ve just transitioned to natural coily hair or have been handling your coils for many years, there’s a small part in every one of us that dreads “wash days”. Wash days usually take the whole day, there are so many steps to follow and each of those steps usually comes with its own set of products. Exhausting right?
LULA is the brain-child of two young black South African women who decided that they are tired of owning multiple products just to take care of their hair. LULA is created with the idea of simplicity in mind. We want to simplify the dreaded wash days and the hesitancy to transition to natural hair because there is just so much to learn about taking care of your hair.

We have taken the overwhelming steps of natural hair care into consideration, and came up with five very easy to use products that will help you reach your ultimate hair goals. A glorious, healthy and easy to maintain crown is what we aspire for every coily head.